The fact that it is
already p-day again is seriously insane to me. Time does not work on a mission
the way it normally does, having said that this week was full of lots of
learning experiences.
On Tuesday I had my
first exchange. I was put in trio that was over both an YSA and a family ward.
Oh I love those sisters so much!, being there with them really helped reiterate
the importance of talking to everybody, because obviously you can't know if
someone is interested unless you talk to them. Okay well “talk to
everybody" is a lot easier said than done, because it is honestly so much
easier to fear men then to fear God. But we are promised so many blessings if
we open our mouths to declare this sweet message.
On that topic, this week
we have been helping many members in the ward set up a "family mission
plan" because as we all know missionary work extends so much further than
just the full time missionaries. In this mission plan there are goals to help
the family pray and read scriptures daily, and to invite less active and non
member friends to church activities and to learn more.
In D&C 24:12 we are
promised as we declare the gospel that we will be given strength that is not
known among men. Sharing the gospel can be scary, but most of the time our
Heavenly Father answers prayers through other people, you could be that answer.
No matter who it is, you can leave them with something, an invite to a ward
activity, dinner at your house, a Book of Mormon or something as simple as your
Okay now as for the
subject line...some recent converts in our ward got sealed on Saturday!!
Sadly because we weren't the ones to teach them we didn't get to go, but we
were able to help with the luncheon after. Anyway there was SO much opposition
while they were preparing to be sealed. The husband had a herniated disk and
was scheduled to get cortisone shots the day before the sealing (which didn't
happen) there was also a bunch of drama with the kids, because they are a mixed
family and some of the kids weren't going to be able to be sealed to them. But
they realized the blessing that would come from it. So during the endowment
they actually brought in a huge foldout lazy boy chair for the husband and it
all worked out.
But it really got me
thinking of the importance of temples and how sacred they are. And that
actually happen to be the lesson we had on Sunday. Temples :) so the rest
of this email is going to be a bit about a talk that Brad Wilcox gave at this
last education week. Haha don't quote me on this...these are my notes from
the talk. “You’re Not Alone: Come to the
House of the Lord”
The “Five S’s” of the temple
for Latter-day Saints to remember about the House of the Lord.
1 The first “S” of the temple is sanctuary. The temple is a spiritual sanctuary. “We
can go there and escape the cruelness of the world and the pollution of the
world and the evil of the world. … Our spirits feel like they’re going home.”
2. Our second
‘S’ is school
- a wonderful school where we’re taught the lessons of eternity, the beautiful
lessons that matter in this life and beyond.” In the temple, individuals are
taught in the Savior’s way — both directly and indirectly. We all can go and learn something else. We
must be a participator not just a spectator. There is a Chinese saying that
says "tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, involve me and
I'll learn and understand"
3. The third "S" of the temple is salvation. The temple is where we receive saving ordinances, done
as an offering of love. When we go to the temple for the first time we
"receive" our endowment, just as when we are baptized and confirmed
we are told that we "receive the Holy Ghost, this means it is an action,
and that it is up to us to accept it!
4. The fourth “S” of the temple is sealing. “The temple is a place of sealing where couples and
families can be sealed together forever.” An act the can only take place in the temple
The fifth “S” of the temple
is The Savior. There is no other place where we can feel so close and
understand our Savior; we can feel complete, clear, and the truest indicators
of our deepest feelings of Christ.
I'm sorry this one is SUPER long, and is all spiritual. I promise I'll add more
stories next week. Love you all, and thanks for all the prayers and support!!
Sister Williams
Sister Williams
pictures of our face...because it seems to be the only pictures we take