Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of miracles

Okay for starters I need to warn you all that I'm going to come home and have no sense of social boundaries haha because on the mission you become immune to awkward.  It's real, you knock on people's doors, have them look at you and not answer, you forget what being too "pushy" is, and you jump right into the personal stuff right when you meet someone. It's great ;) Hmm like the other day we were with the relief society president and we went to try and visit this less active family. As we knocked the first time the family came to the top of the stairs and looked at us and walked of course we knocked against because haha we have a slogan here on the field "knock once for their salvation and twice for ours" obviously they didn't answer but I later realized that that kinda bothered the RS president haha,but like I said awkward is not a it didn't even phase me and Sister Olsen.

Alright well this email isn't going to be very long but as the subject line says this week was a week of miracles :) as we've decided to truly talk to everyone, we were able to find six new investigators! And at church this Sunday we had 5 investigators come! That is incredible; I can't explain how happy that made me. I'm so excited to be able to see the work pick up! And I love how big a part the members play in the work. Okay this week I've really been focusing on faith, because faith is one of those words that's kinda thrown around in the church, and we actually ended up having a training on it at district meeting. An Elder in the district gave us this acronym on faith. For starters faith is obviously the first part of everything, because if you do not have faith in Christ then nothing else will happen in your beliefs.

F- Foundation: Heleman 5:12 our faith in Christ will build our foundation. If and only if our foundation is built on Christ will it stand, Satan has the power to make any other foundation crumble.

A- Action: We hear all the time that faith is an action word; the Lord said “faith without works is dead.” The only way a child learns to walk is if we let go of their hand, it's the same with the God.. We learn when we follow what he has taught, and take action. He has confidence in you
2 Corinthians 7:16

I- Inspiration: D&C 121:26,33 faith is built as we receive inspiration, and inspiration is given as we have faith. All inspiration is given to increase our faith and to know that he is God. Proverbs 3: 12-13

T- Trust: If you don't have trust, then you don't believe that having faith can help you. You also need to realize how much your Father in Heaven trusts in you. As you strengthen your faith you must never forget who you trust Proverbs 3:5-6.

H- Hope: hope is the initial motivation factor of faith Moroni 7: 49-42.
We must let faith be our everything, be in everything and if we do that we won't just have faith, we'll be living it. 

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