Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My bad..my bad

So I'm sorry that I haven't emailed in a while, haha so I'm just going to give a quick update on what happened In the last little bit. Last week we had a all mission conference for Christmas, and it was awesome to see everybody. The conference focused a lot on the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Haha which on a mission is relatively easy, but the world is becoming desensitized to the concept of religion in general, and Satan is going to tempt us within our comfort zone, which means he is going to slowly persuade us to do things that aren't always necessarily bad...but we could do something better. The leaders of the church have been stressing this topic so strongly; we need to be prepared to do everything we can to observe the Sabbath day. Anyway the conference was so amazing.

Mission Conference at 
Independence Visitors' Center

At the beginning of this week me and Sister Maxwell were able to find quite a few new investigators, and on Monday night a family from the Ward had a Christmas family home evening that they invited a few other families in the Ward to. And every family brought something to share, weather it was a tradition, story, gift or musical number. The spirit was so incredibly strong, and I felt strongly that this was going to be one of my last days in that area. And best thing of all, one of our investigators (who is always incredibly busy) was able to come!

The next day the Elders waited as long as they could before letting us know the transfer information, so we were sitting in the Jacksons living room..waiting..,painfully waiting. Then we got the text that said I would be transferring to the Liberty Jail with Sister Farnsworth. I knew it was coming...but yup I cried a little anyway :) haha so we opened early Christmas presents with the Jacksons and  I mentally prepared myself to say goodbye to all these people who have become like family...worst.

 Early Christmas presents 
with the Jacksons

Luckily it wasn't actually goodbye....and I'm so excited to be serving In The Liberty Jail, I have already been able to meet such amazing people, and the spirit is so strong here. By the second day, I was able to give a presentation, and the spirit was able to bring all these history facts to my memory...crazy.

 Goodbyes are the worst 
Sister Maxwell

Agh!! I'm going to miss Sister Maxwell and all the lovelies in New Mark. Sister Farnsworth is awesome, she has been through A LOT, and is so incredibly strong. I love her lots.

      Sister Farnsworth and 
         Sister Williams

Okay, thank you all for the love and support, and I'll try to be better at emailing!

Sister Williams

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