Monday, November 2, 2015

Green and Greener


Pre transfer picture

Sister Olsen got transferred to the Independence Visitor center, So my new companion is Sister Maxwell!  She is such a cutie and we pretty much just go around singing all day haha it's great. She's been out for about 4 months and is from Spanish Fork. Agh I love her! We've already been able to see so many miracles.

This past week was a little bit harder to get in with people and a bunch of people canceled their appointments..but what can you expect when the Royals are in the World Series! Haha there has been fireworks going off almost every night this week and even on Halloween people sat in front of their houses passing out candy while the game was projected on their house. So pretty much I'm just a giant bandwagon Royals fan now ;)

But the work is amazing, and this week I've had a huge testimony building experience on the topic of recognizing the spirit. Okay so this is something that I know I'll be working on for the rest of my life. But this week I've realized that we must act upon the promptings that we do receive...otherwise we'll stop receiving them. I sometimes still struggle with the whole “is that the spirit or is that just my own thoughts" thing, but my mind this week continued to go back to something that I heard in the MTC. It talked about how if we are living righteously and living in a way that allows the spirit to be with us...then we don't need to question it. Everything that is good comes from God.

Which leads me to something that happened this week, we had just finished lunch and started to drive out of the parking lot, as we were driving I waved to this guy who was just sitting outside. At that moment both me and Sister Maxwell received a prompting to stop and talk to him, so we stopped the car and talked to him, and as we talked to Wayne you could see the light in his eyes as he was recognizing the truth. It was so cool.

The more we learn to listen and have the courage to act upon promptings the more we will be blessed to have the guidance of the spirit.

Sister Williams

"Learn it, live it, love it"

 Me and Sister Maxwell in our super original Halloween costumes ;)

(They Switched Name Tags)

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