Monday, November 9, 2015

Melancholy to Miracles


I could sum up this week by just saying wow I love being a missionary! Haha but I guess I'll explain a little bit more about why. 

My little revelation this week was on Conversion. Too often people say that what they want is not always what God wants, but this week I've realized that if you are truly converted those things will always be the same. Your will and his will, will be aligned. You'll constantly want what he wants for you. A conversion to the gospel is so important right now, the handbook change really shook some people up, but on a mission if a minor is going to be baptized they have to have written permission from both parents I personally think that there isn't a huge waiting list of same sex couples waiting to give permission for their children to baptized. But things like this are going to continue to happen and the worlds views are going to continue to drift. We must be firmly planted in our beliefs.

Our area is doing well, we are striving to talk to at least 5 unknown people a day and always leave them with something. We have also started teaching the lessons to members in their homes and helping them recognize the spirit testify names of people who need this message. We have been able to see our teaching pool begin to grow and with the Christmas parties and fire sides coming up, it give us opportunities to have something to invite people to. So that's super exciting.

Sister Maxwell has been a big blessing, she has a really driven personality and has helped me have a deeper understanding of how to magnify my calling. She gets along with everyone, and we've been able to find more people to teach as we've been really able to teach in unity. Haha long story short.. I love her and she's fantastic.

This week I've learned the importance of first contacts. With both members and non-members, the first time they meet you they need to know your purpose, and feel the spirit. We represent the church and our Savior Jesus Christ. The have to trust us, before they allow us to teach either them or the people they know. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Everything else is going really well, I had a rough patch this week after everyone was canceling their appointments and people weren't coming to church... It was easy to feel like it was my fault that the success kind of hit a halt. But while at church when I was taking the sacrament I recognized the many miracles that we were able to see this past week, and remembered what success on a mission is defined as, giving our all and better yourself every day.

Sister Williams

Sister Eccles famous pumpkin cookies

Flower pots or hats...?

A few of the young women from the Ward after we taught at mutual

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